Webinars: Dentro de una planta binaria, uso geotérmico directo, flujo de fluidos hidrotermales en África Oriental – Inscripción abierta
Como parte de la serie 2 de seminarios web sobre geotermia de África oriental, se llevarán a cabo tres seminarios web finales sobre el interior de una planta binaria, el uso directo y los controles físicos del flujo de fluidos hidrotermales en África oriental. El registro está actualmente abierto.
La inscripción ya está abierta para los tres últimos seminarios web como parte de la serie de seminarios web sobre instalaciones geotérmicas de África Oriental ( East Africa Geothermal Facility Webinar Series). Esta es una serie de seminarios web organizados por la Instalación Geotérmica de Nueva Zelanda – África.
Los seminarios web generalmente tienen una duración de 1,5 horas e incluyen una presentación de video pregrabada, posiblemente con enlaces a lecturas adicionales. Las preguntas de los participantes se abordarán en una sesión posterior de preguntas y respuestas por Zoom en vivo. Los presentadores del curso son expertos reconocidos internacionalmente en su campo de Nueva Zelanda y estarán disponibles durante las sesiones de preguntas y respuestas en vivo.
El webinar será en inglés y a continuación el detalle de las presentaciones:
Title: Inside a binary plant – processes and machinery
Speakers: Marco Viola and Tracy Mills
Q & A schedule: 9 June 2022, 10 AM East Africa Time
Registration link: Register here
The view from an engineer who has worked within one binary plant manufacturer and has commissioned plants in the Azores and Turkey. A description will be given of the main pieces of equipment, the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) cycle thermodynamics and how they are optimized. Examples will be presented from real projects with wet and dry cooling.
Title: Direct use
Speaker: Associate Professor Sadiq Zarrouk
Q & A schedule: 14 June 2022, 10 AM East Africa Time
Registration link: Register here
Direct use is the utilisation of heat in geothermal fluid to provide energy for any end-use except electricity generation. The geothermal direct use industry has been witnessing > 50% growth every five years due to the numerous low-temperature resources worldwide. Main applications include space heating, greenhouse heating, industrial uses, aquaculture heating and recreation bathing and swimming. The lecture provides an overview of direct use and the potential to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels.
Title: Physical controls of hydrothermal fluid flow in East Africa
Speaker: Associate Professor Julie Rowland
Q & A schedule: 16 June 2022, 10 AM East Africa Time
Registration link: Register here
Hydrothermal fluid flow is inextricably linked to the structural architecture and tectonic evolution of the crust. In this talk, JR introduces three structural fundamentals that combine to influence localisation of hydrothermal systems at province and regional scale. These are illustrated using examples from New Zealand, Indonesia, and East Africa. Drawing on global case studies of active and paleo- high T? geothermal systems, physical controls at reservoir scale are illustrated and conceptualised into models that can be considered in geothermal exploration and development. The webinar concludes by application of these concepts to hydrothermal fluid flow in East Africa.
Source: Geothermal Institute, The University of Auckland