JICA desarrolla re-evaluación del potencial geotérmico de Baringo-Silali, de GDC en Kenia
Como parte de un amplio apoyo en la revisión del Master Plan de GDC, la Japonesa JICA entregó un informe preliminar acerca de la re-evaluación del potencial geotérmico de Baringo-Silali.
(PiensaGeotermia en”modo vacaciones”)
The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has been assisting the Geothermal Development Company in Kenya on a review of its Master Plan. Now JICA has delivered a draft report on the re-evaluation of the geothermal resource potential of the Baringo-Silali geothermal development block of the company.
JICA utilized additional geo-scientific techniques to complement the work that GDC had already done in the fields within the Baringo-Silali Block. JICA therefore undertook detailed surveys in Korosi, Chepchuk and Paka. Scientific data from Arus and Baringo was also re-valuated while in Silali, JICA undertook information collection with no analysis yet.
Details about the findings have not been released yet.
Source: GDC // ThinkGeoEnergy